Codex Witsenii - annotated watercolours of landscapes, flora and fauna observed on the expedition to the Copper Mountains in the country of the Namaqua undertaken in 1685-6 by Simon van der Stel, Commander at the Cape of Good Hope. Copied at the Cape in 1692 for Nicolaas Witsen, Mayor of Amsterdan, Member of the Amsterdam Chamber of the Dutch East India Company, Ambassador to Great Britain, &c, &c

(Edited by M. L. Wilson, Th. Toussaint van Hove-Exalto and W. J. J. van Rijssen.)
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Iziko Museums of Cape Town, Davidii Media 2002 Sydafrikanska republiken, Cape Town, Amsterdam viii, 190 sidor. : front., port., col. facsims., maps 31 cm. 0-620-28137-5